Our Simulator

"Big Flo"

Registration Numbers OO-DHN, N97891, N260NE
Built 1969
Airlines TWA, DHL (Cargo)

Flying History

Our fixed based flight simulator was built utilising a real Boeing cockpit - meaning she has her very own flight history.

She first took to the skies in her maiden flight back in May 1969, from LaGuardia Airport. 'Big Flo', as we now affectionately call her, was initially commissioned and operated by Transworld Airlines (TWA) for public transportation.

Over the years 'Big Flo' has been operated by EAT European Air Transport (DHL), Express One, Gulf Air Transport, Jet East International and Trans Ocean Airways.

Once her flying days came to an end, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reserved the use of the aircraft for movie use only. She was registered with a fictitious registration number of N9748C and used to film a scene for a James Bond movie - which depicted a lorry crashing into the side of the fuselage. Unfortunately, the scene never made it to the main movie and ended up as a deleted scene.

Her final days of being a fully formed aircraft ended at Lasham Airfield, where the plane was broken up for parts and scrap. The cockpit then made its way via road to Kemble Airport - where we acquired her and transported her again, via road on a low loader to Lincoln.

She now sits in our unit as a fully-fledged flight simulator, where we hope she'll stay for many more years to come.

As a Simulator

Fixed Base Simulator

Real Fuselage

24,000 Airports

Latest Software

All Weather Simulated

Day and Night

Fully Enclosed

Fully Functioning Avionics